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Modular Hardware Graphic Programming Platform

Introducing WEB M5Stack: Affordable and Accessible IoT Solutions for Global Developers and SMEs

Modular Hardware, Graphic Programming Platform

WEB M5Stack is a leading provider of modular hardware and a graphic programming platform that empowers developers worldwide to create innovative IoT solutions. Their products are designed to be affordable, accessible, and easy to use, catering to the needs of both hobbyists and businesses alike.

M5StickC and M5StickC PLUS: Versatile IoT Development Boards

The M5StickC and M5StickC PLUS are miniaturized IoT development boards that pack an impressive array of features into a compact form factor. Powered by the ESP32 chipset, they offer built-in Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and a range of sensors, making them ideal for a wide range of IoT applications.

The M5StickC PLUS2 and M5StickC PLUS2 Lite are upgraded versions of their predecessors, boasting enhanced processing power and extended functionality.

Bringing Ideas to Life with Ease

WEB M5Stack's graphic programming platform, M5Core, provides a user-friendly interface that simplifies the development process. Even those with minimal coding experience can quickly create functional IoT prototypes, saving time and reducing development costs.
